A candlelight hour

Recently Updated29 

Would you mind turn off the lights for an hour?

We don’t need to have lights to enjoy the night.

It doesn’t mean totally dark.

We don’t need to see everything clearly.    We can feel it instead.

It doesn’t mean we can do nothing.

Let’s have a candle light hour.

Think and feel about the Earth in this hour.

Wanna join me? 

6 ways to =)

6 ways 

1) Don’t Hate

I am the kind of person who can like others easily but if I don’t like someone, it is difficult to change it back to LIKE!  Thought might not be hate but I do have lots of dislikes.  Please don’t turn on my dislike button. 

I admit, I failed on this point.

2) Don’t Worry

I think too much, too details.  Learning to let thing go with flow naturally.

I got half point on this.

3) Live Simply

Well, simply enough. Always avoid complicated things lol

4) Expect Less

Will you move on if not expecting anything. Knew that there won’t be disappointment if no expectation. But it is always a kind of motivation?

Might be expect less from others but not on oneself.

5) Give More

Good point. Just like you can’t enjoy love if you don’t give it to others. Happiness is something about sharing. Like it.

6) Scatter Sunshine

Right. Sunshine is always cheerful. Let me bring you some 😛

Any hints to happiness?

Hope you are having a happy weekend. Cheers,























Sore throat, headache, chilling.  What to do except get plenty of sleep? You just can’t help but feel need to stay on bed as too exhausted. 

Here are some old remedies, might be worth to try

Irish remedy

Whiskey plus honey plus lemon.  Need to have it hot before going to bed.  Normally, I add some water there.  How much whiskey needed?  It depends on how quick you want to fall asleep lol 

German remedy

Hot beer, again drinking before going to bed.  Hot beer?!  Yes, it sounds awful.  And sure it tasted horrible.  hmm….. I don’t want to try that.  Anyway, no beer home 😛 What a nice excuse. 😛

Old people remedy

Add Lemon and salt in hot water.   I think salty water is good to soothe sore throat.   Lemon is full of Vitamin C. So seems it help.  This one simple enough. 

So what will I choose. Seems too obvious

Irish one. At least will have a good night sleep even if it didn’t work. Good night all. Need an early night. Really fragile. 

Hope you don’t need those remedies. Take good care.

A night out


Laughs and drinks with friends just met 

Can’t tell where they are from by the accents but can tell they are not from same countries. A guy from Wales picked a word I just spoke and explained the differences in accents.  Very interesting.  He told me there were at least 7 different accents from people on the same table .  Wow.  Impressive.   Anyway, I just can tell Hong Kong accent 😛 

A warm and hazy night.  Nice to have a glass of cool beer on hand though no clear view of beautiful harbour. 

I found myself were trembling.  Was there cold?  Seems couldn’t walk probably with high heels.     Couldn’t hear clearly what people were talking about.  Was the music too loud?  Found myself kissed someone I shouldn’t kiss. 

Was it due to two pints of beer or a wild heart?

Who cares?!  It’s weekend.   



who like spring?!


Is it like a scene in fairy tale?

A bridge over cloud?!

See part of ship at right bottom corner?  You should know the bridge is over water, not cloud.

What a misty day.  Hugged by fog.  Who like it?

Anyone like spring?  Anyone like it?

I can’t even list a point for loving spring. 

It’s cool, wet, grey and foggy………..

Air is heavy.  Sky is low.  Sun is hiding.  Everything soaked in water.  I wanted to expose like a volcano eruption.   Can’t breath…….. 

Who like spring?  Tell me a reason please.


Dating site


If you think can have any recommendations for dating sites here,   sorry please leave. 

Downloaded a free App of dating site over weekend.

My first time 😛  haha I am active in social networks but not dating site.  Why not trying? It’s free 😛

See what I found on it

1) married guys

what for?  I thought married guys are not free or available for dating.   So why are they there? 

2) people around 20

why people at that age on dating site?  They don’t need dating site to get dates right?  Interesting. 

3) many cats and dogs

hahaha I meant many people loves to use their pets photos as profile pictures.  Who are interested in chatting with someone who dare not to post their own pictures?  I like pets but not like chatting with them online

4) sexy photos

photos of girls wearing deep v top or super low cut top are allowed.  But photos showing ass (well, not mine.  A friend told me about that), my water skiing photos and my sketch  are not approved to post!!!!!!  I can’t see the logic. 

A guy is mad at me because I didn’t give him my phone number.  I told him too many bad people on internet.   He accused me “I met a decent guy but throwing him away”.   I feel bad even he is a stranger.  I feel bad because someone angry at me.   I feel bad because someone felt offended by me. 

Guess dating site is not for me. I am not cheeky enough 😛  


photo (10) 

I am not talking about pillow fight though I think it would be more interesting.

As a person who loves to sleep a lots especially during winter, pillow is almost like my partner.

I need a good pillow for me to hibernate which is more than comfortable but feel safe and warm.   Sounds like I am talking about a shoulder instead 😛

Mom got me new pillows.    Well, she got me new one not long ago which was down one.  A bit too flat but ok.     I had to “reshape” it every night.  “Shake” all leather back to centre.

Now this one, so called “Formless and Firmness”  As you can see the pillow, higher at two sides.  Guess it is for people who sleep at their side.    It is a bit too high compared with the down one.  Anyway, my mom has taken my down pillows and replaced these new one to me.  No choices.

Woke up a few times at first night with my “lovely” new pillow.   It is lovely because it’s from mom.  Not sure if it’s the pillow or stress.  I had nightmare as well.   A few days passed by.  I still woke up a few times in the middle of night and I have a bit stiff neck.  

Forgot to steal my down pillow back while at parents today.   Have to do that next week.  Anyway, give the pillow and me one more week.  And see if we will like each others more lol

Sweet dreams all xo      


a bird with no feet

photo (10) 

You had lot of ex-girl friends though only one at a time.

It’s like music chair but music would never stop.

When time passed.  Got used to it.

It’s nothing strange.  You got a new girl friend again.

I thought you were a bird with no feet.

So you kept flying.   Never tired.  Just kept going.

What a surprise when mom said you were going to get married.

oh oh oh what a wonderful surprise!  Someone made you feet finally.  Someone gave you the need of settle down. 

Congratulations Bro.  Hope a new page of sweet life ahead for you.

Toast for a sweet life =) 

To-do list

things to do today 

I don’t have any to-do list.

Might be too scared I can’t finish it.  Might be too scared I can’t think of anything to do 😛

I found this “Things to do today” list.  It should be “Things to do everyday” list.

I did 4 things out of 8 only on the list.  So just got a pass.

#7 for me is caring others.

Do you have any to -do list? Have you done anything on the list today?