

Was exhausted after work.  Didn’t want to cook.  Well, I was lazy as usual.  And now a new excuse for not cooking. 

Went into a supermarket while on my way home.  A mini cheese platter caught my eyesight.  Was not so hungry.  Seems it was a nice choice as a light meal.  No need to make dishes as well after eating.

How about you?  Would you cook after work?    What you have for dinner normally?



One is living in France and the other is living in NZ.  Almost 12000miles away.

But the fate let them meet each others.

They fall in love though there is a huge age gap between them.  The lady is 15 years older than the young man.

Holiday finished, they are tortured by long distance love.   But distance makes their love stronger.  And makes them want to be with each others more.

One day, the lady found a surprise email when she back from work.  That email made her in tear…………………………………………

She found a return E-tickets (between France and NZ) in her mail box.   It was an awesome early Christmas gift.  They will celebrate Christmas and New Year Eve together in France.   How sweet. 

So distance, age, race, language….. don’t matter if love there. 

Hope they are going to have a wonderful holiday and more and more luck and love are coming their way.

And hope love makes you all stronger as well. 




early morning 

Was Saturday early morning in Central area

Air was wet after shower

Wandering on street as it was too early to go to work

No makeup, no mini skirt, no high heels

No shoulders hitting

No stepping on foot

No aroma of freshly brewing coffee

Nothing like my dreams.  The dreams of working in central business district. 




marks in your life


It takes time to heal. 

Bruise and wound would go.

But not everything would be varnished.

Scar there……. memories there………

Scar is not necessary to be visible.  It could be something in your heart forever, psychologically.

Wound healed but sadly not the scar.  

Take it in a positive way.  It is part of our lives.  It is a lesson we learned for a better future. 

Scar could be cool.

Age gap


Well, I thought and told others it’s not a problem.

Nothing couldn’t be solved when two hearts close to each others.

Normally, I crush on older men.  Feel secure, safe and warm. 

But case seems totally different when came to a young and charming guy who is a lot younger than me. 

There are lot of young girls around for him to “shop”.  Lot of temptations around.  Men trend to pick young women no matter their age.  Aging in women is more obvious and comes earlier than men. 

Relationship between old woman and young guy seems have more obstacles than relationship between old man and young woman.   Or it’s merely caused by lacking of self confidence?


boost happiness


Birds reminded me time to get up.

Had a morning walk in a park nearby.  Enjoyed much more birds’ singing.  Smelled the green. Felt relax and walked like dancing. 

Fresh air made me smile. 

Took oats with banana as breakfast before going to work.  Simple and easy.

Filling glass with water and put it on desk.  8 glasses of water per day?  No problems at all.  H2O keeps skin young and vibrant.

What was for lunch?  How about chicken salad sandwich?   Kiwi, strawberries and spinach mixed smoothie for drink?

So sleepy after lunch.  Might be walnut snack could help.

I didn’t like hot food much but a little bit of pepper can always made me eat more. 

Had a hot tub before going to bed.  Added some epson salt there.  Washed away pressure and kept me calm. 

Just an ordinary day right?  But elements for boosting happiness are around. 

Well, happiness is from within.  So keep smiling and be positive.  Love yourself and others.  Look at mirror.  Are you smiling? 

Who said difficult to have a cheerful day?